Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Holiday Happenings

The students have been learning about different holidays over the past couple of weeks.  We studied the Jewish holiday Hannakah.  The students had fun eating potato lattkas and playing the dreidel game.  We also learned about Kwanzaa which is a week long celebration held in the United States honoring African heritage and culture.  This week, we are studying Christmas.  We have made wreaths and stockings.  Today, the students had the opportunity to visit the other classrooms to participate in a variety of activities.  In Mrs. Miller's room, they learned more about Hannakah.  In Mrs. Raiford's room, they wrote letters to Santa.  In Mrs. Foutty's room, they played the dreidel game.  In Mrs. Terreni's room, they talked about Los Posadas (Las Posadas (Spanish for "the inns") is a nine-day celebration .This celebration originates in Spain. It is a yearly tradition for many Catholic Mexicans and some other Latin Americans and symbolizes the trials which Mary and Joseph endured before finding a place to stay where Jesus could be born.  In our classroom, we learned about the legend of the candy cane.  Ask your children to tell you about the candy cane!  The students are also making a Christmas surprise for thier families!  Have a happy holiday.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I think this is wonderful! It is so good to see what are children are learning in class, and also, to see how advanced and modern everything has become! Making a virtual blog, is a great idea and I personally appreciate you putting this info on the web for us! Thanks!

We recently finished our study of the rainforest.  The students learned about the layers of the rainforest-forest floor, canopy, understory, and the emergent layer.  They also learned about the different animals that live in each layer.We ended our study by engaging in a problem based learning activity where the students worked in groups to create a rainforest habitat for the North Carolina Zoo.  The students did an excellent job working together to create models of the rainforest.  I would like the students to reflect on their study of the rainforest and post a comment sharing something that they learned about the rainforest! 


Welcome to our first grade blog.  This blog has been created to share what is happening in our classroom.  It is also a place where students can reflect and respond to what they are learning in the classroom.